Some photos…

by bjmuirhead

I do occasionally take photos which aren’t nudes, and here are some of them, though I just had to put a nude in here also.

Happier Than Sad

Happier than sad

This one, Happier than sad, is one of my favourite portraits, even though the lady in question and I can no longer talk. Ah well, she is the mother of my children, as they say, and this truly capturers “something” about her that I like.

spring street-lr

Spring Street, West End, Brisbane

Good old Spring Street, I had a lot of fun there. I lived in one of the bedrooms there for a little while, and a friend lived in the front flat. Unfortunately, he kept me awake damn near every night with his sexual activities. I really began to dislike close quarter living after that.


Untitled female nude, 1976

Just a lovely body with a lovely person inside it. Another house where I stayed irregularly and took photos. (Though, one day, I must write about Gary and Moira, who owned the place. hmm… they are dead, but their relatives might be a little upset if I tell the truth of it all.)

Eat Me-web

Eat me

This is the only digital shot here, and I couldn’t help it. I had been out looking for, and finding, roadkill. On my way home after taking lots of shots, I saw this on the side of the road. It was just begging to be photographed. It is roadkill, of a sort…